Make the right business connections in the world’s fastest-growing freelance marketplace Equan.

Whether you’re a new or experienced freelance writer, you’ll have to work hard at staying on top of your game if you want to have steady work. You’ll have to work hard at writing, but you’ll also have to dedicate some of your time to building your business, learning new skills, networking, and keeping up with your competition. The following freelance writing tips will help ensure your freelance success.

Have a website and a blog.

Your website and blog can work for you as an online portfolio. Make sure to incorporate keywords into your website so that potential clients can find you in their online searches. For example, if you specialize in SEO copywriting, you might include the keywords “seo copywriting” “seo copywriter” “seo copywriting services” and similar terms folks seeking an seo copywriter might search for.

Embrace online networking.

Get to know other freelancers, not just so you won’t feel lonely or isolated working from home, but also because other freelancers can be great sources of work. Freelance writers often get overloaded with assignments, and when they do, they can refer some of their clients to you. Or, if someone approaches them about an assignment that isn’t within their area of specialty, if they know you do that type of writing work they can recommend you for the job.

Actively seek work, even when you don’t need it.

As experienced freelance writers know, you have to do a lot more than slap up a website and hope the freelance work will come to you. If you want to ensure yourself a steady paycheck, you’ll have to actively seek freelance jobs. Frequent freelance writing job boards, message boards and forums on a regular basis, even when you don’t need the work. You’ll be glad you did when some of your assignments end and you find yourself without enough work to get by on.

Don’t work for free.

Online job boards are full of start-up magazines and websites seeking writers but offering experience and exposure in lieu of payment. These types of folks prey on new writers trying to build their portfolios. They hope a few suckers will fall for their free writing assignments so they can launch their magazine or website without having to spend a chunk of their budget paying for professional quality. If you’re a new freelance writer, don’t get caught in this trap. Writing for free for such publications doesn’t lend you any credibility. Such clips don’t look good on your portfolio. In fact, any professional editor who sees you’re gullible enough to give your work away to these substandard publications will most likely be very turned off to see this type of “work” on your resume. If you insist on writing for free to build your portfolio, write for a respected non-profit or charity.

Write articles and submit them to article directories.

One exception to the writing for free rule is writing articles and submitting them to article directories. Why should you do this? Not only will the backlinks in your bio box benefit the page rank of your website, people who read your articles might be in the market to hire a freelance writer. Many freelancers get gigs directly from articles they’ve written for directories.

Need freelance writing work? The Equan job boards are full of freelance writing jobs, freelance editing jobs and freelance blogging jobs. Whether you’re just starting out or simply seeking additional assignments, Equan can connect you with lots of profitable freelance opportunities and Equan is for FREE.
