Make the right business connections in the world’s fastest-growing freelance marketplace.

Freelance sales are the perfect answer the agencies’ toughest questions. How can I get a talented sales force when I need it? You can’t exactly train someone to be a great salesman. The ability to relate to customers and instantly gain their trust is something that just doesn’t come naturally to most people. To those that it does come naturally to, they will usually prosper in a sales career.

Freelance sales agents can fill positions in just about any job that requires salesman. Used car lots often use freelance car salesman to produce results during slow times of the year or even just to boost sales on an as needed basis. Some firms may find it necessary to actually hire freelance sales reps when involved in the service industry. Different from used car salesmen, freelance sales reps and agents are a lot more involved in gaining and retaining clients. Holding meetings and writing up proposals are some of the tasks that a freelance sales agent will complete. These are the same tasks that a dedicated sales rep would handle, just without the commitment. By contracting out to freelancers, a company can choose a short of long term contract that doesn’t require the same kind of commitment that a full time employee may require. If work is slow, a dedicated or full time sales rep may still have to get paid. With a freelance salesman, they would not get paid.

In some cases there may be a necessity to sign a freelance sales rep to an exclusivity deal, which means they cannot sell a competing product. Basic protections like this make it much more simple to deal with the freelance sales agents. Equan is a great way for companies interested in global sales to extend their sales force into new markets with freelance sales agents.
